Ellipsoidally Reference Surveying (ERS)is an alternative method to derive bathymetry by applying the Vertical Separation (VSEP) models. It provides direct seafloor measurement to the ellipsoid and a translation of the reference from the ellipsoid to the chart datum. Malaysia is not far behind in efforts to implement ERS technique through developing quasi-seamless hydrographic vertical separation models. It is also known as Malaysian Vertical Separation (MyVSEP) Models system. The MyVSEP consists of series integrated regional models between satellite altimetry and coastal tide gauges data that defined the position of stable reference surface. The integrated models are Universiti Teknologi Malaysia 2020 Mean Sea Surface (iUTM20 MSS), Mean Dynamic Topography (iUTM20 MDT), Lowest Astronomical Tide (iUTM20 LAT) and Highest Astronomical Tide (iUTM20 HAT). Therefore, reduced bathymetry can be derived by integrating the MyVSEP models with the high-accuracy ellipsoidal height from GNSS data.
The method by which survey data is referenced to the vertical datum is a vital aspect of hydrography. Conventional approach of depth measurements from the vessel are referenced to a specific tidal datum via in-situ tidal data and the depths are varied depending on the hydrodynamic vessel effect and the modelled tides, it is difficult to measure the dynamic uncertainties associated with the vessel's waterline and the tide model in real-time. Therefore, utilizing the vertical GNSS and VSEP transformation models to eliminate tidal correctors is comparatively advanced towards the hydrographic community.
1. At the moment, this is the only invention made in Malaysia. The competitor could be the system developed by other country but their flexibility in handling the system is unknown compared to this system.